拥有一个热水浴缸或水疗中心可以让你在舒适的家中放松和减压. 从提供无尽的娱乐聚会,提供远离喧嚣的终极空间, there are countless benefits to having a hot tub installed.
温泉世界 is on h和 to answer your frequently asked questions. 在处理了数千名满意的客户后,我们有能力为您提供每一个与热水浴缸相关的解决方案.
If you have any other hot tub questions, don’t hesitate to 联系温泉世界 今天.
Alternatively, pop into one of our 展厅.
How much does it cost to run a hot tub
Hot tub running costs depend on a number of factors, including the size 和 model of the hot tub you choose, the cost of electricity in your local area, 和 especially how well it is insulated. 然而, 与其他家庭账单相比,一个普通热水浴缸的运行成本低得惊人. 为什么不 use our very own energy calculator 要知道你运行一个热水浴缸需要多少钱,我们保证你会对热水浴缸的成本有多低感到惊讶.
The price of a hot tub really depends on the make 和 model you choose. 价格从3295英镑到顶级型号的21695英镑不等. 无底泳池的起价为15995英镑,是根据游泳者的要求定制的.
在温泉世界, we offer some great finance packages that allow you to make affordable payments on your choice of spa. 有这么多的热水浴缸可供选择,我们保证找到一个适合您的预算.
How much electricity does a hot tub use?
如前所述,我们的热水浴缸并不像你想象的那么耗电. 使用我们的效率计算器 to work out how much electricity your hot tub would use.
Which hot tub br和 is the best?
同样,这是个人偏好,取决于热水浴缸的预期用途. 在温泉世界, all of our hot tubs feature unique hydrotherapy water jets, sophisticated styling 和 ultimate comfort to suit all your needs.
我们备有各种尺寸的Highlife, Limelight, Hot Spot和Freeflow水疗中心.
What are the differences between water jets 和 air jets?
水射流推动水在一个强大的流,提供强大的按摩效果. 空气喷射器将空气注入水中,按摩的动作就不那么有力了.
而带喷水的热水浴缸通常比带空气的热水浴缸更贵, 我们总是建议选择带喷水头的热水浴缸,以获得更好的质量和更豪华的体验.
What is the difference between a jacuzzi 和 a hot tub?
简而言之,Jacuzzi是一家销售热水浴缸的意大利公司的品牌名称. Think of it like hoover vs vacuum cleaner. 品牌名称已被用来指整个产品类别, however there are many more companies that make 和 sell hot tubs.
一旦您选择了您喜欢的热水浴缸,我们经验丰富的工作人员将为您服务 assist you with the installation process.
Unless you have a listed property, or live in an area of outst和ing beauty, you will not need planning permission. 我们要求热水浴缸有一个坚实的水平的基础,由于单位的重量,一旦它充满了水. Easy access to a power outlet 和 hose pipe is also recommended.
How long does a hot tub take to heat up?
If you are heating your hot tub for the first time after installation, the hot tub will take up to 24 hours to reach the desired temperature. 从此,与我们一起 great selection of economic covers 你的热水浴缸只需要偶尔加一次油,大约需要30分钟.
How much electricity does a hot tub use?
根据季节的不同,热水浴缸的温度应该在37到42摄氏度之间. During the warmer summer months, people often have their spa set at 37C, which is about body temperature.
We recommend checking the water regularly, especially if you use it frequently, to ensure that the chemical levels are maintained. 我们提供产品 这将使测试你的热水浴缸的清洁度变得更加容易,比如 测试条 和 全套维护包.
We also recommend draining the water completely every three months. You can clean oil 和 grease from the surface of your hot tub with a 表面清洁 这个产品也可以用来清洁热水浴缸的整个身体,只要它完全排干.
如何清洗热水浴缸 filter?
随着时间的推移,过滤器会被污垢和油脂堵塞,直到它们不再允许水流过. This can make jets 和 heaters weak. 使用 即时过滤器清洁剂 每周清除过滤器中的油脂、矿物质和碎屑,然后使用 筒清洁 once a month for a deeper clean.
What chemicals do I need for a hot tub?
氯 是最常见的热水浴池化学品,因为它适用于大多数热水浴池和水疗中心,并将清除水中的任何细菌和杂质. This is closely followed by bromine. 我们总是建议在添加氯等强化学物质时遵循制造商的指导方针. 在温泉世界,我们 have a great range of water care products to ensure your hot tub is always clean 和 running efficiently.
How much chlorine should I put in my hot tub?
每个剂量的氯取决于热水浴缸的大小和你在浴缸里的水量. 我们始终建议您在使用温泉世界热水浴缸之前阅读氯产品的说明.
Why is my hot tub water green?
绿色的水表明你的热水浴缸里有活跃的细菌生长. 把水倒掉,然后用氯溶液擦洗所有的表面.
Rinse with clean water 和 then refill the hot tub. 然后我们建议用氯气和 氯的冲击 -经常检查产品说明,以确保您使用正确的量.
How many years does an outdoor hot tub last?
An outdoor hot tub’s life will really depend on a few factors, including the efficiency of cleaning 和 maintaining the tub.
一般来说,温泉世界的热水浴缸可以使用20年,定期维护和清洁,并确保你的盖子不被损坏 (我们确实有一些温泉业主,他们的温泉甚至更老了。).
Hot tubs are known to reduce stress, 缓解肌肉酸痛, 帮助治疗关节炎, 增加血液流动, 缓解损伤肿胀, improve sleep 和 soothe chronic pain. 简而言之,有 many benefits to having a hot tub.
热水浴缸对你有好处吗r skin?
Hot tubs have a great effect on skin, 因为经常泡在热水浴缸里可以帮助打开你的毛孔,这样你的皮肤不仅看起来很好, 但摸起来也很软.
If you have a known allergy or reaction to certain cleaning products, 我们建议使用对皮肤无害的替代品,比如我们的淡水盐系统.
How long can you stay in a hot tub?
就像洗澡一样, 长时间坐在热水浴缸里对你和你的皮肤没有负面影响. The only physical side effect is wrinkling h和s 和 feet!
Pregnant women 和 those with health concerns such as heart disease, 糖尿病和高血压患者在使用热水浴缸前应咨询医生, 和 it’s also important to keep yourself hydrated.